Empowering one Veteran at a time through restoring hope and dignity.

We leave no veteran behind!

$75k Donation Match Met!

Thank you for your fantastic support!

You can help us reach our final goal of $250,000.

Help Restore Hope!

You can help us to bring Veterans home to heal!

Our new home in Boswell, Indiana, is what we’ve been working toward – but we still need Hoosier Heroes to help us achieve our funding goal of $250k.

Donate today to become a Founding Patriot for Operation Restoring Hope!

The Need

There are approximately 1.7 million Veterans who are considered to be at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing. Approximately 11% of the adult homeless populations are Veterans, and about 10% of homeless Veterans are female.

It is estimated that 80% of homeless Veterans suffer from mental health challenges, substance abuse, and/or PTSD. Without support and treatment regaining their lives becomes more and more difficult.

No Veteran should ever be homeless!

One homeless Veteran is one too many!

The Solution

The Mary T. Klinker Veteran Resource Center’s mission is to restore hope to Veterans who have become lost in life. Through financial assistance, peer support, and the facilitation of a Veteran-centered approach to healing, we will leave no Veteran behind!

Services & Programs

The future is looking promising as the Mary T. Klinker Veteran Resource Center continues to grow to fulfill our Veterans’ unmet needs! This is just a sample of services we provide:

Limited Financial Assistance

We help provide financial help to prevent homelessness or secure safe housing. This may involve utility payments, resolving rent arrearages, transportation to employment, and other aid crucial to stability.


Case Management

We assist with housing stability plans, referrals to resources, application for grants, mental health interventions, peer-to-peer support, and employment referrals.

You Can Help!

Be a Hero to Our Heros!

There are many opportunities for YOU to
get involved with the Mary T. Klinker Veterans Resource Center,
helping us help our Veterans!